
I'm using ActiveSMS Pro v4.3.

I've configured a distribution group in Active Directory (2003 native mode) to send with Exchange (2003 native mode) that contains contacts created in AD with correctly formatted smtp addresses.

I can email>sms to the contacts individually but not to the group; I get an 'Unable to process request' message stating the destination number isn't found in the email. I enabled smtp logging and saw that Exchange was correctly communicating with ActiveSMS and attempting to pass the individual group member's email addresses along.

I assume that when sending to a group the smtp envelope keeps the 'To' field as the group's email address for each recipient. Is there a way around this in AD or a way to configure ActiveSMS to use the recipient's smtp address rather than the envelope 'To' field?
Please send an email trace file to (please include your licence key).

To turn-on email gateway trace logging you need to do the following:- 
2. Extract the ActiveSMS_EmailGWEnableLog_ON.reg file
3. Double click on the ActiveSMS_EmailGWEnableLog_ON.reg file and select Yes to accept changes
4. Goto 'Start Menu->Settings->Control Panel->Administrative Tools', double-click on 'Services'.
5. Double-click on 'ActiveSMS Email Gateway', and click 'Stop' and then 'Start'

Run a short test to re-create the problem. Once the test complete,
please email the log files listed below to


To turn off logging extract and double-click on the ActiveSMS_EmailGWEnableLog_OFF.reg file.

I followed your instructions exactly but the log file didn't appear. I've confirmed the entries are in the registry and I stopped and started the services with no problems and sent a test successfully. Don't forget we're using v4.3 so perhaps these registry entries don't work with this version?

The SMS logging works fine.
Upgrading to v4.4.2 has fixed the problem and we're now able to send to Exchange groups of SMS contacts.

The link to download is provided by Intellisoftware support is:

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