I am using this dot net component. and added the ddl to bin dir and to add project reference, right clicked on project dir and then add reference and path to bin directory to select that dll and i doing coding on page load event as ...

Dim objIntelliSMS As New IntelliSMS

objIntelliSMS.PrimaryGateway = "" 

objIntelliSMS.RequestDeliveryRpt = True

Dim strResult As String = objIntelliSMS.SendMsgWithUserContext(strMobileNo, strMessage, Nothing, "Your OWN ID")

it it showing error as

BC30002: Type 'IntelliSMS' is not defined.
You need to reference the IntelliSoftware namespace.

Add the following to the top of your VB.Net code:
Imports IntelliSoftware
i have added " imports INTELLISMSLib" and now the application is running but i am not able to receive the message....
please check it out again...

Dim objIntelliSMS As New IntelliSMS

objIntelliSMS.Username = "my user name"
objIntelliSMS.Password = "my password"

objIntelliSMS.PrimaryGateway = ""
objIntelliSMS.BackupGateway = ""

objIntelliSMS.RequestDeliveryRpt = True

objIntelliSMS.SendMessage("receiver mobile no", "messagebody", "sender mobile no.", Nothing)

is this correct????????