I have added the intellisoftware dll to asp.net application using a generic handler (ashx) as the calling page. If I test this in visual studio on on PC this works and sends the SMS. If I compile and deploy the application to a shared server with IIS 6, I get the following error when calling the handler:
SMS Error Type: HTTP Error occurred trying to connecting to the IntelliSoftware gateway, see InnerException for details System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream() at IntelliSoftware.Common.HTTPConnection.HTTPRequest(String sMethod, String sUrl, String sContentType, String sFormData) at IntelliSoftware.Internal.SMSGatewayService.MakeHTTPRequest(String sURL, SMSGatewayRequestData objSMSGatewayRequestData, String sReturnCodePrefix, String& sRawResponse, ResultCodes& ResultCode, Exception& InternalException)
I have tried routing the server so that it doesn't have to go through our proxy, and free access through the firewall and I get the same error. I can make changes to the website entry in IIS but I cannot make server wide changes as other web applications share the server.